Monday, February 20, 2006



I suppose COMCAST has problems like most everyone else. Good employees are not easy to find and keep these days. While having service problems , I called almost everyday and it seemed the problems could not be fixed. A service tech even stole some of my wires which disconnected the VCR and also the DVD. WHY ? I don't know , perhaps he needed some parts for his own system since the pieces were high grade. Anyway , call after call and service tech after service tech , and more calls , the person answering my calls got rather sarcastic and blamed me for all my problems. Yes , others in this area had similar problems , butt , this was my fault. The supervisor was going to call me. That was on December 21 , 2005. Today , I'm still waiting for that phone call. Maybe his batteries have died. Knowing COMCAST , maybe he is gone and everything is on automatic. You know how it is. On your way out the door just hit that EASY BUTTON ! ! ! Today , the HDTV channels still don't work. For the record , there's a very nice person named KIM. I give her credit for trying when others did'nt care. ( and they still don't ) I'm still waiting beside the phone. I just know someone is going to call. HHmmmmm , what was that number for DIRECT TV again ?

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