Tuesday, March 28, 2006



The news is out , GM is circling the drain. After all these years of producing cars with the help of the Japanese. GM's management has finally caught up with reality. Being a Tennessean , I really don't care about GM/SATURN.
When Saturn came to Franklin , everyone was excited about the job prospects. Truth is , it was all lies. Saturn does not hire Tennesseans.
Remember , Tennessee is a right to work state. With Governor Alexander's help , Saturn said " We have the right to work anyone we want. And , with that said , it was all UAW only.
You know , America has spent billions fighting prejudice , and GM comes here and invents a new level based on a person's state of residence. Then , once the UAW folks get settled in , they then call themselves Tennesseans so they can disclaim the truth in Saturn's hiring practices.
Remember Jeff Macatee , channel 4 news anchor ? He was fired for saying " Saturn does'nt hire Tennesseans. " on the 6 o'clock news. Demetria scolded him on camera , " We are'nt supposed to talk about that ! ! ! "
The good things about being a Saturn-UAW employee in Franklin are - drugs at a good price , cheap children for tricks, moonshine , good Ho's , being obove the law , expensive guns , a job for your spouse , and if you really had the juice , you could build a Saturn in your garage.And of course , hunting and fishing without a liscence.
The only good thing Saturn did for Franklin citizens was to increase the cost of living , taxes and houses. Tennesseans be damned. The UAW folks can afford it.

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