Monday, March 20, 2006


VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY blows Alternative Energy

Metro Fire & EMS were called to the Engineering School after an explosion took out the Envirnmental labs.
Chairman Thackston , School of Engineering explained , " People were complaining of Professor Speece's effluent smell when some one got the idea that this could be the countries answer to alternative energy technology. Soo...Speece was strapped to the front of a vehicle with an anal suction pipe connected directly to the engine intake.
When asked what caused the explosion , Thackston answered , " We think Speece's affleunt anal effleunce was tooo much for the engine. "
" Speece made his claim to fame by solving Vanderbilt's affleunt effleunce problems by dumping the stuff directly into the School's storm drain outside the laser research building. " , continued Thackston.
" Is'nt that illegal ? " asked BVD
" Yes , butt Speece is tenured , so it does'nt affleuntly matter. " replied Thackston

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