Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Veterans medical Care on NBC

NBC news reported that this countries medical care of American Veterans was a working model for the rest of the medical community to follow in providing medical care for everyone.
There's a couple of things Americans don't know about the care Veterans recieve.
Did you know , it takes on average , nine months for a veteran to make a doctor appointment
Did you know , a veteran may have to reschedule several times , their doctor appointment beyond nine months
Did you know , there are IRAQ veterans paying for their medical needs out of their pocket , because they can't wait nine months ( no reimbersement )
Did you know , a veteran has to travel hundreds of miles to get medical care by the VA
Did you know , the VA hospital is not required to give a veteran , the prescriptions , the doctor orders
Did you know , veterans now have to pay for their free VA prescriptions
Did you know , America's government is not responsible for the medical care of the IRAQ wounded , or any other war wounded
Did you know a veteran can not use a hospital unless they pay for it themselves , outside the VA
Did you know , in the Navy , a medical doctor does not need to be a medical anything to practice any medical thing
Did you know , Vanderbilt has an agreement with the VA to use veterans for surgical training for new doctors
Think I'm joking , look in to this for yourself
Is'nt it interesting , NBC , can't tell Americans these facts.

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