Friday, May 26, 2006


Franklin Police Squabble

Franklin Tennesse , BVD News , there's a squabble within the Franklin Police Department. BVD got to speak with a Franklin Police officer , who wanted to remain anonymous.
BVD : What's going on ?
A : Well , we have 2 officers squabbling about their tickets.
BVD : You mean one officer wrote more than the other ?
A : No , no , nothing like that.
BVD : ?
A : Don't tell nobody , butt , here's what happened. That guy is a meter maid. ( pointing ) Well , he gave this officer ( pointing again ) a parking ticket , OK , so that officer asked the meter maid to come across the street to explain his ticket. Well , Hee , Hee , Hee , that officer then gave the meter maid a ticket for jaywalking.

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