Wednesday, May 17, 2006


NSA Telephone Surveillance

The NSA does'nt listen to all phone conversations. Just the ones of interest to who ever is operating the equipment.
Bell South and Verizon have always co operated with law enforcement and that includes government agencies. Today , with digital communication technology , eavesdropping technology has kept up.
For about 7,000 dollars , law enforcement has bought the suitcase. This allows listening to any cell phone call in the area , and it makes the jump with the call from tower to tower. And , yes , even private investigators ( PIs ) have this suitcase. So , why do Americans have their panties in a wad ?
Simple , law enforcement , through your net provider , monitor your internet useage. In other words , telephone monitoring is just one piece of the espionage pyramid puzzle that your phone company has access too in your private little world , and they don't want to talk about it. Keep in mind , the phone companies have always had internal departments for monitoring phone calls within their service. No , they won't talk about that either , since law enforcement has direct access to them. And yes , Franklin Police has the suitcase.

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