Friday, May 26, 2006
WKRN Up in Smoke
Nashville Tennessee , BVD News , this morning , while BVD was interviewing people rescuing stranded cats from atop of abandoned mail boxes , an explosion was heard around Nashville. At the scene , WKRN lay in ruins. BVD found WKRN 's blogger Manager Brittney of Nashville is Talking fame all alone.
BVD : Brittney , are you alright ? What happened ?
Brittney : Yeah , I'm alright. I was just doing the blog thing , when the pressure relief blogging valve failed to blog , you know how it is , all those blogs , here a blog , there a blog , everywhere a blog blog , then the eblogger logger mail started blogging up , then my PMS blog kicked in with all those silly little mood blogs of mine , and then I reckon my computer blog reached critical blogger mass.
BVD : Well , at least you're alright.
Brittney : Yeah. ( looks around ) Hey , where's that blogging computer ?