Thursday, July 20, 2006


Rick Horowitz talks about a Man's Man

The Tennessean - this morning , Rick praised and explained that it's OK for kids to hear President Bush talk plain shit. Butt , he failed to mention the fact , that while Bush talks the talk , Bush can't walk the walk. Bush was overheard to say that he was in the mood to call someone and make something happen. Hmm , good thing Bush was'nt walking and chewing with his mouth open at the same time. There was no phone call to make peace happen , and teaching our kids to be like a 2 faced politician is'nt good either. Well , now we know what sort of manly man Rick goes for......
Peace is not on Bush's mind. Why should it be ? Afterall , he is not the one being shot at. It's like the stem cell research he shot down. Afterall , that does'nt do him any good either , so , why do it ? Bush is on the down hill slide going out of the white house. So , why should he do anything ? He does'nt have to. This is what Bush calls leadership. He learned all about being a leader during his military service.

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