Monday, July 17, 2006



This morning on CNN - how many of you were up early this morning to see CNN's hot mike in action ? President Bush is feeding his face while saying " Syria needs to stop this shit ". Of course , it's interesting how Bush dimisses American blame in this game. The American people are a lot to blame for the mess in the middle east. If you think I'm joking about American involvement , look for yourself on your TV screen. That's an American M-109 howitzer firing American made shells. Yeah , I'm talking about those big things that look like tanks. Well , that's not a tank. It's a howitzer on tracks. And , Oh Yeah , those airplanes buzzing around. Those are American built F-15 and F-16's being flown by American trained pilots and carrying American made bombs. Israel does'nt have money to wage war , so America gave them all they ask for. America even built them a brand new military air base. We are also funding the killing in Lebanon. Did'nt know that did you ? We paid for the invasion of the West Bank , so settlers would have money to build with on land that was stolen from it's real owners. Then we paid for those settlers to move out. Now we are paying for shelling women and children who have no where to go butt one hole in the ground to another. Yep , makes ya proud to be an American , don't it ? Bush is'nt going to stop Syria. Why should he ? We give them money to kill people and Bush says shit into a hot microphone. That's how a politician works. America put Bush in the white house which means we support the killing in the middle east. President Reagan got us into Lebanon , and got us out after failing miserably. Bush has said several times , he will do things just like Reagan did. And , Bush has done just that. The blood on Bush's hands won't wash off. Yes , Bush could stop this whole mess , butt , why should he? Afterall , he's just following Reagan's footsteps. At least Bush got to eat breakfast in peace. Why are we there again anyway ? CNN won't say. Hmm , you don't suppose there's something to reincarnation do you ? The Templar's failed , and now the Republicans are failing. The people over there don't want us. Why can't we leave them alone ? Why do we have to replay history again and again ? We get upset with Iran building a nuclear bomb. Well , what about Israel having American made nuclear warheads in underground silos ? It's not a secret. It's just not talked about. If your neighbor had a nuclear bomb , would'nt you want one too ? What's going on over there is'nt war. It's genocide with an extermination agenda. I'm not asking you to take my word on this , look it up for yourself. The information is out there.

You are right!

Jerry I would like to ask you a question and want you to be honest.


Do you like wars? Do you like the bush's policy in Iraq and Syria and whereever?

Do you think that bush is right in what he does?

What is happening in Lebanon, Palistine and Iraq is not your fault and other Americans fault!

You guys are not guilty I swear.

I know that you guys hate wars and you are kind:)
If I liked war , I would be over there killing something , anything , but , I'm not doing these things. All living things , even human things have a right to life. Some people , like the ones bush hob nobs with make their living killing people. I don't care if you are Arab or other blood. Look around , all people have more than one blood in their veins from somewhere back in time. That's just the way it is. Is this honest enough for you ?
yes it is, thank you:)

Sorry for asking you such a silly question.

Do not be mad Ok^_^

I am still 20 and I am learning new lessons in life that is why I like to ask lot of questions because I want to understnad what is happening around me. That helps me to understand life rightly not wrongly.

I guess you are older than me and one day you were at my age. So you understnad that at the begining of our youth we ask lot of questions, sometimes silly questions, to figure out what what pops in our brains and to learn new things and lessons in life.

"Life is a school where we learn lessons"
i gotta admit - i am hard core pro-israel, likely because i have been there many times and seen the situation first hand.

the palestinians in jerusalem think their bretheren in the gaza are out of their collective minds, for the most part. see, israel extend to ALL palestinians full rights of citizenship: education, healthcare, social welfare, their women are first-class citizens as well... everything accorded to ANY israeli citizen, regardless of ethnicity is the entitlement of every palestinian living under israeli "rule" as well. no islamic nation offords the same support and protections, and the palestinians haven't got enough money to provide a that kind of lifestyle for their own even if they DO establish an independent homeland.

and let's not lose sight of three things:

a) israel didn't start this: hezbollah did
b) hezbollah dragged lebanon into a shooting war that they cannot afford or survive
c) lebanon has had thirty years to disarm hezbollah under the terms of the last peace treaty signed. they have not done so.

just the voice from the other side of the fence.
War is Evil and CRUEL!!!
Then how can we stop it?

Do you have an Idea?

Our nice earth, which is a great blessing from god, is being distroyed and polluted because of us, the humankind. We must stop fighting to keep our earth nice because we will have grandsons!

We must think about them because they will have our blood.

Poeple who like wars and fights are SELFISH they just think of them selves, they don't think of poeple and of their grandsons.

The problem is that some poeple don't understand this "We didn't inherit the earth from our ansestors"
we all belong to this earth. we are here to be caretakers. the problem is that some people's shit stinks , and others don't. as long as people value material things , we will continue to have these problems.
all truly excellent points....
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