Wednesday, August 23, 2006


New Planets My Ass

Did you see The Tennessean yesterday ? Our scientists and astronomers have'nt decided what a planet is. Wait a minute , this is a joke , right ? I mean , since first grade , my teachers taught about the planets that make up our solar system. Remember ( way back when ) those really pretty 3-color books describing what a planet is ? Well , yes , earth is one of those planets. Just how many hundreds of years has " planets " been used to denote the large heavenly bodies in our solar system ? Yet , now that we have officially recognized there are 12 planets in this star system , our astronomers and scientists have come to realize , by definitive definition , they don't know what a planet is. Oh pl-pl-pl-pl-please !
Do you want to know the real reason for all this fuss ? It's because a lot of self anointed , self appointed phd's want their name down for having accomplished something that was done by someone else. Yes , that means stealing someone else's knowledge and calling it their own. Just anything as long as they can get away with it while basking in the glory.
BVD : OK , Jerry enough. Are you going to make a point here ?
Jerry : Yep , there are several books long long out of print , that talk about this star system having 12 planets. The people taking credit for finding these so called newly found planets are taking credit for finding those already mentioned planets , while hoping no one notices the truth. What better way to cover up such nonsense than a smoke screen about deciding what is a planet ? I'll give you an example. Remember that Big Bang theory ? The people taking credit for that are nothing more than plagiarists.
BVD : How can this be ?
Jerry : Simple , the authors of those old books are not recognized by today's scientific community. Therefore , their knowledge does'nt get recognized , therefore , they don't get the credit

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