Friday, August 25, 2006


The Pluto Resolution

BVD News Bloggtographer - Earth's scientists have decreed Pluto is not a planet , butt , it is a dwarf planet. Yeah , there's that planet word again. Why could'nt they say it's just a big assteroid on steriod ? Yep , Pluto is not a planet , butt , they still place it in a planet catagory. Do you realize by their new refined , definitive definition , the Earth's moon now qualifys as a planet ?

One scientist , who would'nt give their name stated , " The vote was done by the democratic process , butt , no Plutonian showed up to participate in the voting process."

At Vanderbilt 's Dyer Observatory , Professor Weintraub stated ," They were in need of having some kind of suitable printable material for publishing , to show that they really are spending their research money on something worth while."

A White House spokes person stated , " This was done ass part of a retaliatory process , because the Plutonians had refused to stop their nuclear research program. The CIA and NSA have concluded they are 9 months away from having the bomb."

A Plutonian representative stated , " We are doing nuclear research for heating purposes. It's soo cold out here. We are not making bombs."

I have read about that in the newspaper this morning.

Bluto will no longer be a planet!
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