Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Well NO " SH*T " ! ! !

Franklin , Tennessee - BVD got fired this morning for saying the " S " word. There have been several instances where news people have recently been fired for using the " S " word. This whole thing got started when President Bush , thinking he was talking in private , said the " S " word on a live microphone. So there you have it folks. Don't say the " S " word , and you might keep your job. Remember , not everyone gets to be President Bush.

BVD : Hey Jerry
Jerry : Yes
BVD : Now that I'm fired , who is going to do this blog
Jerry : Just how the fuck am I supposed to know these things man ? I just work here.

haha Funny!

Using the "S" word is a reason for loosing a job!
Well alright then , let's fire Bush for using the " S " word.

I don't think that we can do it!
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