Monday, September 11, 2006
Frist Gets a Job
Senator Frist has been given the task of redefining what soring a horse is. His work will lead up to making it lawful to sore a horse for competition. Years ago , The Tennessean did a in depth report on horse soring. After reading those articles , no one had a doubt what soring was.
Today , with all the millions at stake , the big shots want the rules changed so they can do ass they please , and if that includes toturing a horse to get those millions , so what. Afterall , Frist owes some folks some pretty big favors after getting those charges of insider stock trades buried from the public. Besides , it's about time Frist had something to do anyway. The Tennessean reports that Frist will get this done in a timely manner. Afterall , time is money to these people.
In a earlier post , I did mention Vanderbilt University 's horses. Now look who is in the game. Hm.....Maybe Frist will use the research backroad ass an excuse to sore a horse. Many laws fall onto the ground when something is wrong and you need to explain why , you just say " research "
I think we need to sore the horse owners and let the horses ride them for a while.