Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Interview with Professor Bowers
Vanderbilt University , BVD News - Professor Bowers of the Civil Engineering Department granted BVD an interview in between phone calls.
BVD : Wow , another phone call , you're a very popular guy. What's your secret
Bowers : It's a special blend of Gatorade , spices , mints , Tennessee indigenous roots , dog testosterone and Viagra
BVD : When do you have time to teach
Bowers : Teach , who , me ? Now that's funny. I have grad students to teach my classes. It's my job to assist with learning here in my office.
BVD : Well , that explains the brass bed.
Bowers : Ha ha ha , yeah , snickering
BVD : How did you get started
Bowers : I felt sorry for a grad student who was failing. She just did'nt have the brain pan to get a Phd. , so I married her. Life was great , like you know , the best head in 52 states , when she finished up , she divorced me and went back home to Greece , and I've been bed flippin ever since.
BVD : Did she ever use her Phd.
Bowers : Of course not , like I said , she did'nt have much of a brain pan
BVD : Are'nt some of these girls a little young
Bowers : I'm faculty , what's your point
The phone rings
BVD : Later......