Saturday, September 30, 2006
Marijuana Use OK'd by Police
Upon realizing Mrs. Gee's use of marijuana helped bring in more monetary gifts than her husband , Chief Anderson put 2 and 2 together and found there really is a number four. Therefore , Metro Police will no longer care about an applicant's use of marijuana. Mrs. Gee's findings on the use of marijuana clearly showed a person can accomplish more , much more than a person not using the stuff. The Chief continued by mentioning President Clinton. On a side note , Chief Anderson mentioned that these days , a smart person knows how to get by a marijuana test these days with the use of today's technology , a person can be taking almost any drug , and still get past a drug test.
Besides , hiring marijuana users puts more experience and expertise in the field at any given moment.
BVD : Chief , I relaize what you're saying , butt how can you justify hiring someone who is breaking the law
Chief : Look , these marijuana laws are petty little things. The only reason law makers made it's use illegal was because they were'nt getting their cut. Have you noticed Tennessee's Drug Task Force ? They have people using the stuff and their hands on experience helps them identify and to make arrests.
BVD : So , in other words , the use of marijuana is illegal , depending on what side of the law you are on
Chief : Precisely.