Monday, October 02, 2006


Interview with Professor Basu

With a new crop of students at Vanderbilt University , everyone here thought it would be a good idea to interview some of Vanderbilt's faculty. Let's go to the Engineering School and see who is in their office.

Professor Basu , Civil Engineering at Vanderbilt University gave an interview with Jerry Horne.
BVD : After all these years , people would think you would be ready to slow down
Basu : Well , yes , of course , butt you see , being a professor here , I have'nt really had anything to do , so I guess you could say , I slowed down a long time ago.
BVD : I understand you finally got some money to prove your statics theory will work on a PC.
Basu : Why yes , I knew it would work all the time. I use my PC right here , everyday doing that very thing and it always works.
BVD : Butt why the need for money for something that already works. Other universities have been doing this for years without spending money
Basu : I'm a Vanderbilt professor , it's part of my job to ask for money to prove that something that works will work.
BVD : Could'nt that money be put to better use
Basu : Of course , butt why do it ? Afterall , this is Vanderbilt. There's so much money around here , no one is quite sure what to do with it all. You can't even walk around Kirkland Hall without stepping in it.

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