Friday, November 17, 2006
Gee Denied Membership
Nolensville , Tennessee - BVD Bloggtographer has learned that Vanderbilt University's Chancellor Gee was not accetable to the Nolensville Liar's Club.
President Jamie Dunn said , " There were too many discrepancies in his application. In other words , he really is a genuine liar , and that's not what we are about. We enjoy having our fun and laughing at eachother , butt , we don't tell real lies just for the fun of hurting someone."
BVD : Can you give an example of what you are talking about ?
Jamie : Sure Hun , Gee lied about his wife's involvement with marijuana , he lied about Vanderbilt employee pay raises
BVD : Wait , what did he lie about there ? I did'nt know employees got raises
Jamie : He said all employee pay raises are based on 3 %. That's a blantant lie. Faculty get an automatic 5% pay raise. Those other people get a 3% pay raise based on how well their supervisor likes them , regardless of how well they do their job. Faculty get their 5% regardless of whether they do their job or not. If a supervisor gives an employee a 1.5% pay raise , the other 1.5% goes to the supervisor. This club took a vote and we decided that we would prefer Franklin's liar's club take him instead. Afterall , money is'nt everything in the eyes of the lord. And besides , Nolensville is growing , the last thing we need is a bad reputation. Scott Revoir has done enough damage in that department already
BVD : ER , UH , Jamie , you don't understand something about Vanderbilt. Faculty are not considered employees.
Jamie : They work there don't they ? They get a Vanderbilt paycheck don't they ?
BVD : That depends on what you would consider to be work