Sunday, February 11, 2007


It's All About the GREEN

How many people noticed the front page of The Tennessean ? The article about " Pharmacy watchdog has little effect ". This story should come ass no surprise to anyone. Afterall , the number one fact about this country is it's failure to do the right thing. America can't even deal with it's own problems. Let's take a look around our neck of the woods and see how much water we are talking about.
How many people know that the Better Buisness Bureau has no teeth ? Do you have any idea how many complaints have been made against Orkin and nothing gets done ?
We now have learned that it was the Pentagon that altered the intel reports about Iraq , not the President. Why would they do that ? Simple , when there's no war , they have nothing to do and those generals have no oppotunity for getting that next star. Having remembered President Daddy Bush went to war , the Pentagon used President Junior ass their pigeon and look at how many stars have been given out since. And now , the Pentagon has become a river of money with Junior wanting to give them an 11% increase in spending for next year. And , no , that's not for body armor.
BVD : Hey Jerry , let's stay close to home with this article
Jerry : I'm writing this , thank you.
OK , getting back to Franklin , how many people know about the series of B & E's that have occurred during the past several months ? The local law enforcement agency knows about it , they even know who's doing it and they look the other way. It's all about the money.
Do you know why Tennessee does not require a person that goes around repairing and improving homes to have a license ? Because Tennessee knows they probably don't understand english. Which would explain the shoddy work getting done , if it gets done.
Then there's State Farm Insurance that refuses to pay legitimate claims. Now you know the secret to thier record earnings for last year.
Have you been dropped by your insurance company for no reason ? The same company you have been making payments to for years and you never put in a claim ? That insurance agent who wants you to know , they are your best friend , won't tell you this , so I will. Insurance companies are using staticular math formulas to determine how long to keep you ass a customer before something happens and you need to file a claim and when you have been dropped , they know it will be difficult for you to find another company , because many insurance companies will not take someone who has been dropped , regardless of reason. Travelers is well known for playing this game and they don't care. Yes , Tennessee's Insurance Commissioner knows about it and they look the other way.
Now we hear Sheriff Headley is returning to work without the 30 days of rehab and with a felony charge dangling over his head. People in high places get away with things. Remember Vanderbilt's Mrs. Gee ? She does'nt have to take a drug test and she is protected by Tennessee's 5th largest law enforcement agency. Everyone knows about the money her husband has raked in , so , the law looks the other way. There's that money word again.
Let's face it. This country is all about the green. So much for the red , white and blue.
BVD : I don't know about this Jerry
Jerry : Hey , go ask Mrs. Gee. She can tell you that the " grass " is green.

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