Thursday, February 01, 2007


Tennessee History

Franklin , Tennessee - Now that Sheriff Headley is behind bars for drug dealing , people are scratching their heads wondering what went wrong. Headley put a promise to the people that he would do everything possible to remove the drug dealers from Williamson County if he got elected. Now that he got the job , he's the one doing the dealing.
Yep , ya see , buy removing the drug dealers , that removes the competition. And using the law to do it aint bad , heh , heh , heh.
Tennessee is rich in history on the subject of corrupt sheriffs. Think I'm joking ? Just look into moonshine and you'll see what I'm talking about. And yes , today , the law does know where to get good mooonshine and they leave the person alone. It took a person like Headley to take things to the next level.
It's ironic in a way. Sheriff LaCates had to arrest one of his people for stealing 50,000$ from the department. He made the remark , " Who can I trust ? "
When you think about the landslide support Headley recieved during the election from law enforcement , I wonder how many of those folks were going to set him up? This week alone , the news has reported problems with law enforcement in other Tennessee cities , which makes LaCates' question a good one for all of us to ask ourselves , " Who can any of us trust ? "
Sheriff Headley , who is a long time musician and has his own band , was heard singing the blues last night and has promised to perform jailhouse rock for Metro's inmates ass part of a bargaining agreement to lower his bail.

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