Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Veterans Always get the Finger
One thing a veteran can be sure of is being lied to. All vets have access to the VA Hospital. NOT !
Today's Iraq wounded are stuffed into over crowded , moldy , ratty housing. They have to walk thru a maze to get to where they are going and the path is not for the timid. It does'nt matter if you are missing a leg or two , no one is going to help you get your needed medical care.
It was like that and much worse for the Viet Nam Vets
It was'nt around for the Korean Vets.
It was'nt around for the World War II Vets.
I guess that's why President Bush disappeared when his unit was about to get called up. Well , he was'nt there to begin with , sooooo..................
Why is it that politicians have no problem sending our fighting men and women into harms way , butt , for some reason , they have a problem giving them medical treatment when they are wounded ? Getting a handshake from a coward who claims to be a veteran is'nt much of what I would call medical care.
Even today , when people sign up to join the armed forces , they are told they have VA benefits when they are discharged. NOT !
How many of my readers know that if a vet needs to see a doctor , they will have a 9 month plus waiting period to see the VA doctor ?
I'm a veteran and I cannot use the VA.
My father earned 3 purple hearts the hard way , and the VA would'nt help him.
I have an uncle that needs a particular brand drug. The Va gives him what they want him to have regardless of his doctor orders , and he gets sick everytime he uses that stuff.
Franklin , Tennessee - While I'm on the subject of caring for the wounded veterans. How many people have heard of Graceworks ? They don't care if you need help or not once they learn you are a veteran. I think it was Mrs. King's voice I heard saying , " We don't help veterans. If we do , they will become worse than having flies on a cow pie. "
Makes ya feel good about being an American AND a Veteran.......... Don't it ?