Wednesday, February 28, 2007
WallStreet's Down Fall
How can so many people know to pull in their earnings at the same time and the rest of us don't hear a word until after the fact.
This is just another example of big money being obove the law because we are seeing insiders passing info amongst themselves. Can you imagine how many more people would have been hurt if they had listened to President Bush and placed their money into that fire ? Makes you wonder if Bush was wanting that money for his friends pockets. That's how politics work.
If you are a little fish , you can make your changes , butt , they won't take effect until the closing bell for the day. The big fish get their changes on the spot. It aint right , butt , that's how the system works.
The Stock Market is all about RISK. It's a gamble. This week , people are watching their retirement money circle the drain. Good luck to everyone.
The so called economic experts are telling everyone not to panic and that America is on solid ground. Since President Bush has put America into a 9 trillion dollar debt , where's the solid ground ? It's no wonder Bush wanted your Social Security money placed into the Stock Market