Friday, March 23, 2007


Mitchel n D'kline

Franklin , Tennessee , BVD got to interview Williamson county news reporter Mr. D'kline.

BVD : Wow , this is such an honor. I don't get to interview a news reporter very often.
D'kline : Yeah , well , what can I do ya for ?
BVD : Why do you appear to be in a slump ?
D'kline : Aww , the Franklin Police people won't let me cover their stories any more.
BVD : You're kidding. I thought your head was so far up their behind , they would never be able to get you out.
D'kline : Oh yea ? Well , they did it. Do ya see a brown circle around my neck ?
BVD : Not any more and I did see the article about Franklin Police getting a dog owner $ 200 dollars for a dog bite. That was'nt your work ?
D'kline : Nope. Ever since I wrote that piece on Tim Taylor getting fired , the police don't want me around.
BVD : Did you tell the truth ? Was your information correct ?
D'kline : Yes it was , butt , you know how Franklin Police are.
BVD : No , please continue.
D'kline : Franklin Police can't handle the truth. Especially when it involves them.
BVD : So , where do you go from here ?
D'kline : I want back in there sooo bad.
BVD : Back where ?
D'kline : Aw , you know where. I want back in so bad. It's so warm and safe in there.

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