Friday, April 13, 2007


America's Justice System

For those who are still swimming around in the nappy hair , Nifong has stepped forward to apologize to the 3 players accused of raping a black girl. It seems they were innocent all the time. Nifong , being the DA , had kept evidence proving they were innocent out of view for months. Although his actions are wrong , he does not need to be fired. His apologies will suffice.
BVD : Hey , what gives ?
Jerry : America is dysfunctional , that's what gives. Ya see , the legal people practice the law , in the manner they interpret the law. Therefore , Nifong has broken no law.
BVD : Butt , what if I was a legal person and I said he broke the law ?
Jerry : You are not a legal person. The difference between you and Nifong is that you can distinguish right from wrong. Legal people can not.

wassup jerry?been a while huh...
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