Tuesday, April 03, 2007
An Honest Man
With so many people having immigrated to Tennessee , I wonder how many remember the 3 cent tax hike. It stirred up a lot of controversy about taxation. Then , the politicians touted the 3 cents was for education. It passed without difficulty. Of course , not one cent made it into education. Then , it was Tennesse's Lottery. This was the way to fund Tennessee's education programs state wide. It passed without difficulty. Then , Governor Bredesen said , " The lottery does not have enough money for education. "
Now , it's the 40 cent tax on tobacco for education. Mr. Bone stated, " I don't know how much of the 40 cent tax will make it into education. Perhaps none of it will make it. I just don't know. "
Well put Mr. Bone. I guess that helps to explain why Tennessee's education system is last on the top 50's list and it also helps everyone understand why Tennessee's teachers are the lowest paid in the 50 states. There's just toooo much money out there.
When Mr. Bone was asked about Franklin Police , he got a scared look on his face and quickly disappeared.