Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Help ! Paula Fell Down

The world was in an uproar upon learning their favorite party animal fell down and broke her nose. Later , Paula gave an interview.
BVD : Paula , are you going to be alright ? Is there anything I can do ?
Paula : giggle and giggle some more - oh nooo , I'm fine , just fine.
BVD : What happend ?
Paula : Well ass everyone knows , I'm analistic , dyslistic and usually just plain drunk. While I was walking , I made the mistake of looking down and my eyes could'nt adjust and I saw tulips everywhere. I did'nt know which one was the real one. I mean I was literally walking thru the tulips and I tripped on my own foot , giggling , which caused me to fall and break my nose. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .....

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