Friday, May 11, 2007



I was told that some of this blogg's content concerning Vanderbilt University was inappropriate. WHAT ? ? ? Let's take a look at inappropriate Vanderbilt. Did anyone see NBC news last night ? There was a report of university officials giving fraudulant favors to themselves while giving students in need of financial aid an increase in monatary needs. ( hows that for PHd talking ) At Vanderbilt University , faculty within the financail aid department , are getting all kinds of kickbacks for steering needy students to certain lending institutions , while staying away from the legitiment institutions. Ass always at Vanderbilt , secrets will come out. Have you noticed the free advertisements in the hallways to the classrooms ? That's where one of the systems start. By using these forms , a faculty member gets 500 dollars for each successful applicant. Did'nt know that , did you ? And , that's just one scam. Another scam , you know the biggie days just before classes start for each semester ? There are representatives on campus selling wares for different companies , including reps for financial aid. Those reps have paid Vanderbilt faculty , under the table , to sell student aid to those in need. Read those words again. It says " faculty " , not Vanderbilt University. Now to me , that's some very expensive , inappropriate behavior on Vanderbilt's part. And yes , Vanderbilt officials know about it and of course they get a cut under the table for looking the other way. Now we have double the inappropriate behavior and it continues to grow ass you go up the ladder. Now do you get a picture ass to why student loans are sooo expensive ?
Today , Vanderbilt University has the highest tuition within the SEC. A student can get more of an education elsewhere for less , while getting more educated. It's true. At Vanderbilt , the student is also paying for the name brand. Vanderbilt has taken education and made it into an industry similar to fashion clothing. The buyer does'nt get more , just because they are paying more. It's all about the label and how it looks on the outside. Now do you understand why Vanderbilt spends 500,000 dollars on pine needles every semester ?

BVD : Woooow , Jerry. I need a PHd just to understand what I just read. How's my new Kalvin Klines ? Do ya think I'll fit in at Vanderbilt ?
Jerry : Sure , of course you will. At Vanderbilt , all you need is money.

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