Monday, July 09, 2007


In Appropriate Morris

Vanderbilt University Medical Center Trauma - let's take a look at Dr. Morris of Vanderbilt's Trauma Floor. He put Nashville's first Trauma floor together after walking over several stagnated bodies within Vanderbilt's stagnated acadamnia world. The Trauma floor became Nashville's first operational Level I center that officially did such medical care.
Dr. Morris enjoys taking the Lifeflight Helicopters for joy rides and uses them for his personal limo. Another one of his favorite activities is running people into the ground. Calling people what ever names he can think of , and he does'nt care who hears him say such things. Morris once said , " I've got some slack to take up , now that Imus is gone. " Morris has slapped himself on the back for every good doctor he has run out of town , because he is paranoid of competition and doctors who are better than him. Oh yeah , one other thing , it's probably impossible to count all the dead bodies found in his medical practice. Butt hey , that's Vanderbilt serving the community. Professor Art has complained about the dead bodies piling up in his morgue. Afterall he says , " I've only got so much room. " Butt , he never complains about the storage fees.

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