Monday, August 27, 2007


Just Another Walk In The Same Park

Vanderbilt University - BVD was walking around the campus ass another school year gets ready and runs into Dean John Veillette , ( ass in spaghetti ) , School of Engineering and PAVE Director.
BVD : Hey John , how are you ? How did PAVE 2007 go this year ?
John : Ha ha ha , BVD , Ha ha ha. Have'nt seen you in a long long time. What's new with you ?
BVD : Just roaming around , looking for the new news John.
John : BVD , how many times have I told you to call me Doc. V. ?
BVD : Yeah , I know , butt Doc. V. sounds too much like a pimp's name.
Doc. V. : Ha ha ha , it is a pimp's name ! Ha ha ha.
BVD : So , how many in the PAVE class got knocked up this year ?
Doc. V. : Looks around , sees no one near. " Shut up about that. OK ? "
BVD : Why ? It's true. Ever since you brought PAVE to Vanderbilt , it seems every dirty old professor comes crawling out of his office for something young and tender.
Doc. V. : Oh yeah ? And what would you know about that ?
BVD : I know about Professor Bowers.
Doc. V. : Uh huh , and who does'nt these days ? Well , it is'nt my fault their parents did'nt raise them right.
BVD : Whose parents ? The Vanderbilt professors , or the PAVE students , Professor Bowers ? Who John ? Whose parents ?
Doc. V. : Does it matter ? Ha ha ha
BVD : Have you ever come clean about how you , being just a simple grad student , became a dean , here at Vanderbilt ?
Doc. V. : Well , the truth is , this is Vanderbilt. You've got to give a head to get a head. Ha ha ha
BVD : I could never lower myself to doing that.
Doc. V. : You know , Chancellor Gee said the same thing. Butt , he never got the hang of it , and so , now , his ass is so wallered out , he has to wear a diaper , because he does'nt have any sphincter control any more.
BVD : I see , and you do ?
Doc. V. : You bet , the only difference is that the kids get to do , what I'm expected to do. Ha ha ha
BVD : Is that the reason why Gee is leaving ?
John : Would'nt be surprised. After all , that free marijuana only went so far around here. Ha ha ha , ha ha ha , ha ha ha
BVD : John , how can you sleep at night ? Knowing what some of these kids go through around here.
John : Doc. V. OK ? Please , Doc. V. and look , I know that sometimes things look like rape and what not , butt , when the facts come to light , it's all just a matter of the language barrier causing a misunderstanding.
BVD : Language barrier ? You asshole. We are talking about a penis and a vagina. Since when did those two have a language barrier ? Hell John , the caveman did'nt have a language and there was no misunderstanding about those two fucking.
Doc. V. : Well , what can I say ? Oh WOW ! , I've got to meet someone at the post office in five minutes. Gotta run.

you need to talk more about this topic!

What happened at PAVE? I'm curious
Good morning Anon - I do not respond to such to people without names
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