Monday, October 08, 2007
Blood Diamond
By now , everyone has seen the movie , " BLOOD DIAMOND . " We get to see Leonardo , go from being a bold man going for the crystal , only to be reduced to a dying man , giving the crystal away. Now for the rest of the story - the scenes seen in the movie are pretty good redemptions. Black people cutting off each others arms to keep each other from touching the diamonds , black children gunning down black people with Chinese AK - 47s. Black people enslaving other black people to mine diamonds. Hey , black people said it correctly , " Might Makes Right . "
Sooooo , what the HELL was that really all about. What was the reason for civil war in Africa. DIAMONDS ! Yes , butt why ? It's all about world domination of course. The United States spends 100 million dollars on military black projects , every single day.
America needed the diamonds found in Africa because of their unique color , which makes them favorable for destructive lasers. Think I'm kidding ? Remember the movie with a North Korean having a satellite with a death ray ? Where do you think Holly Wood gets this stuff ? Today , America is putting the final finishes on it's airborne laser system aboard a 747. It will destroy any threat , coming over the horizon.
The CIA has been in the news lately , I think they should be in the news some more. It was the CIA , who deliberately upset the peace in Africa , and used Great Britain to be the middle man , so America would not be seen ass being the real buyer. America's military needed those diamonds , and they did'nt care who died in the process.