Friday, November 02, 2007


That Damn Pot Game

BVD was writing this morning , when his son had a question.

Jimmy : Dad ?
BVD : Hey son , I thought you were getting ready for school.
Jimmy : Aww , you know how fickle the FSSD is. Even they are not sure what a school day is on the calendar.
BVD : Ha ha ha. Yeah , what's on your mind son ?
Jimmy : The paper says the law is going to sell a man's property because he broke the grass law. With all the things wrong with the law these days , I think this is wrong.
BVD : Explain yourself.
Jimmy : Well , those drug enforcement officers use grass and they are'nt arrested.
BVD : You have a point , butt remember , this is America.
Jimmy : Why can't America smell what it's shoveling and make the necessary changes ?
BVD : My son , you will have to ask our politicians that question.
Jimmy : I'm going to be a grown up one of these days , are'nt I , Dad ?
BVD : Yes. ( smiling )

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