Monday, December 03, 2007


Some Don't Get It

While watching Weaponology , an immigrant from the Viet Nam War , remarked , she was doing what she could , to defend American democracy. Well , there's another fool , who came to this country , thinking wrong.
Let's face the truth about America. The presidency is for sale. The person in The White House , is not required , to have an agenda , or to improve this country. They can rerite America's constitution , so they can break the law , under Executive Privilege , while being protected by The Secret Service.
With all these new weapons , being developed by The Pentagon , I wonder how long it will be , before those guns are used on Americans ? All the president has to do , is rerite The Constitution. President Bush got his change approved , giving him authority , to order The United States Army , to march on the capitol. Although that's The National Guard's responsibility , President Bush said , they could'nt do that and fight his war in Iraq , at the same time.
Look at democracy in this country , today , it's full of corruption. Bush has given 10 trillion dollars to his cronies and he still is'nt out of office. Are you doing better , under this Bush administration ? Were you doing better , before this Bush administration ?
President Bush makes you proud to be an American , don't he ?

OK , maybe I'm wrong. American democracy is supposed to be corrupt. What was I thinking ?

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