Thursday, January 17, 2008
Threats and Vandalism
It's like this , KA and this blog have brought forth the ugly truth about this town and Jay Johnson does'nt like it. Yes , I have proof showing Franklin Police are behind the vandalism and I'm betting JJ is behind the threats.
So , why ? Why are these 2 blogs so threatening to Jay Johnson ? ( Yes , another blog ran into problems also.) Yep , it's more than telling the truth. Look deep into Franklin's money affairs and you will find it. It's called fraud. Plain and simple. Jay Johnson has had his job for so long , he has figured out the ways to divert money into his pockets.
Look at President Bush. Do you really think those 12 trillion dollars went to their designated place ? If so , I own some desirable beach front property here in Williamson county , that I will sell to you at a very good price.
People have noticed Jay Johnson shows up in unexpected places. That's because he wants to see who are his problem children. JJ does'nt like people who rock his boat.
Let me point something out to you. Remember that puter with the porno pics ? How did JJ learn about that in the first place ? The simple answer is in the simple fact , he has spies. I can assure you , he has a network of tattle tales telling him every little tattlable thing. Should his time come , for getting caught , he wants ass much time to dump the evidence ass possible. In the mean time , he plays dirty little tricks , in an effort to stop the truth being told.
To give you an idea about his spy network. I'll bet ya a 20 spot , there's a person telling him , who uses a city puter to read us blogs. He even knows , who uses the library puter to read us blogs. HEY , look behind you , who is that , watching you read this ? Heh heh heh !