Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Two Faced JJ
BVD : So , according to the WAM , that graphic computer is going to get another look over by another party ?
Jerry : Yep , that's what it says and Schroer is even paying for the party.
BVD : Those graphics must be HOT !
Jerry : You know it.
BVD : So , if Jay Johnson is so intent on firing Williams over those graphics , why does'nt JJ fire his own ass for allowing a police officer to have sex with a 13 year old ?
Jerry : I don't know JJ very well. If you look at his history in office , people who fall out of favor with him , don't last very long and besides , he does control the police department.
BVD : Hmm , and what about Tim Taylor ?
Jerry : Like I said , when ya fall out of favor with JJ , your ass is gone.
BVD : So , JJ controls the police , is that why he gave the puter to his own dogs ?
Jerry : Yep and that's why there's problems with the graphical evidence. If JJ was an honest man , he would have given the puter to a third party to begin with :)
BVD : Is it true , Franklin Police have an extensive kiddie porn library ?
Jerry : Yup. Here's an interesting question. JJ is not a police officer , yet , he has access to the property room. Why ? He's not a police officer , and yet , he controls the police department. Why ?
BVD : Because Chief jackie does'nt know what to do ?
Jerry : Maybe that's why jackie was hired in the first place. JJ did'nt want anybody interfering with his administratin.
BVD : Another cold one ?
Jerry : You bet.
BVD : This is one town that's eat up with problems.
Jerry : Yup.
BVD : So , who does JJ answer to ?
Jerry : Nobody.
BVD : ? ? ? What do you mean , nobody ? Is'nt JJ a part of Franklin's government ?
Jerry : You would think so , butt , he cannot be re-elected.
BVD : Since when does this country's constitution say government by JJ for JJ ?
Jerry : Ever since the people stopped governing themselves , folks like JJ have stepped in and have taken over.
BVD : Do ya think it's true , JJ gets a car at the expense of Franklin's taxpayers ?
Jerry : I looked over at KA's place and saw his car listed on the sheets
BVD : Why does he get a car and no one else does ? What makes him so special ? Does'nt he get a paycheck like everyone else ?
Jerry : Well ya know the old saying. Power corrupts. JJ has no checks or balances. And , since his car is provided by the taxpayers , it's a sure bet , the maintenance , oil and gas are also covered by Franklin's generous people.
BVD : Let's not forget the insurance and tags.
Jerry : Well , he won't be going through the hassle of getting the car tested , that's for sure. Having the police at his beck and call , it's an easy guess who gets to fill the tank and wash it too.
BVD : He no get no tickets either , I'll bet
Jerry : You know it. No guess work there. Ya don't ticket the boss.
BVD : Another cold one ? Butt really , why does JJ rate a car ?
Jerry : Well ya know , it's like this , JJ is so popular and all , he needs special transportation to get around the crowds , ya know , all those people lining the streets waving and wanting to shake his hand.