Thursday, February 21, 2008


Franklin Police Show Thier Dishonesty

Franklin , Tennessee - BVD read the story about Williams , Franklin's former Waste Director , suing The City of Franklin.

BVD : Damn Jerry , have you read this ? ( BVD hands Jerry the paper )
Jerry : Yeah. So ?
BVD : Man , Jerry , I thought you had some kind of grudge against Franklin Police. You've made some remarks that certainly are not nice and now I read right here in the WAM , that Williams reported harassing phone calls on his cell.
Jerry : Yeah ?
BVD : Look. Franklin Police , has the equipment to monitor anyone's cell phone. If Williams did tell the police about those calls , why did'nt they take action ? I mean , they would have got the goods on Jay Johnson
Jerry : HmmmHmmm.
BVD : You know what ? This article proves the remarks you've made about the Police/Johnson connection. Why , those bastards went straight to Jay Johnson telling him about Williams reporting the text messages. Damn. What happened to that Serve and Protect thing ?
Jerry : There's no money in it. Butt , there is always money to do the wrong thing.
BVD : Ah , er , hey Jerry. Does Franklin Police really have a pedophile ?
Jerry : Have I ever lied to you ?
BVD : Hm. No , , , , , no , , , you have'nt.

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