Thursday, March 27, 2008
Franklin's FSSD Mayor Getz Money
Franklin , Tennessee - BVD was soooo pissed , ass Franklin's non-elected folks , got their tax increases passed.
BVD : Damn it all to Hell , man. Do you realize we will pay a 19% tax increase ?
Jerry : That's a joke , right ? There is'nt a single intelligent person in this town , that would agree to a 19% tax increase for schools.
BVD : Well , they did it. Some Hunter Neubert bitched , that Franklin's kids needed a better education , butt , he was'nt willing to pay for it. Butt , we get hit with 19%. Aaaaaand , let's not forget , we will be seeing 4 dollar a gallon gasoline by June. Man , what do we do ?
Jerry : We pay the tax until we move from this mad house of an insane asylum called a city.
BVD : I still don't understand why we get hit the hardest.
Jerry : Look BVD. It's like this. The average Williamson County home is worth 385K. Our house is only worth , a pitiful 150K. So , ass the Mayor explained it , we get to pay more , because our home is worth less , and so , we get to pay about the same , ass the rich do. Is'nt that fair ?
BVD : Oh Hell NO ! I pay both city and county taxes ass it is. I still do not get both services , that I'm paying for.
Jerry : Well , ya know what ? I've told you time and time again. The constitution says , " Government , by the people , for the people. " This is the kind of SHIT ya get , when ya don't vote or get involved with your government. So shut up about it. Let's move out this pathetic town and be done with it, OK ?
BVD : Yeah , OK. Franklin stopped being a place to call home , when those fucking SATURN assholes showed up anyway. Yeah , you're right as usual , man. Those Damned Yankees have won again. Why is it , every time those Damned Yankees see something good , they shit on it ?
Jerry : Because they can and so they do.
BVD : Ya know what ? We don't even have kids. How's THAT for Taxation without representation ?
Jerry : Representation ? What ever do you mean ? Franklin's new mayor is old FSSD. He's been planning this all along and even rode on it during the election. Aaand , by the way , where's that $20 , you owe me ?
BVD : What $20 ?
Jerry : I predicted Franklin would see a tax increase for FSSD if " that " guy became mayor.
BVD : Ooooooooooh , yeah , now I remember. Hey , can you cut me a break , for once ? Man , my taxes have gone up.
Jerry : Yeah I know and so has mine. Give it up , my friend. Besides , I'm a wounded veteran. Did you know the county has a policy , wounded veterans don't pay property taxes ?
BVD : Hm. No , I did'nt know that.
Jerry : Well , anyway that does'nt matter. The county also has a policy , that says veterans cannot qualify for it. Although it looks good on paper , it's really just more toilet paper to have on hand , in case of emergency , jerk a veteran