Saturday, March 22, 2008


Headley Gets To Walk

Franklin , Tennessee - BVD kicked the can this morning , after learning former sheriff Headley can have his record cleaned up.

BVD : I don't get this. How does a person get off the hook so easily ?
Jerry : Well , you are aware , this is Williamson County. You are also aware , the law does not apply to everyone here. Headley obviously knows the who of who's around here and he is playing their game.
BVD : Hm. This aint rite. It'z naw rite 't t'll
Jerry : Hey. Again , this is Williamson County. Who was it , that said , this was a righteous county ? How many people can you name , the one's who have committed murder , got away with the crime ?
BVD : Oh wow. I can name several.
Jerry : Well then , there you go.
BVD : I thought the law was for everyone
Jerry : Well , ha ha ha , again , this is Williamson County. Why do you think so many rich folk move here ?

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