Saturday, March 08, 2008


Those Nose It Alls

Franklin , Tennessee - BVD was reading the emails received to this blog and he almost fell out of his chair laughing

Jerry : OK , what's so funny
BVD : This email saying Franklin Police does'nt have any newbies
Jerry : Another Brown Nose it all ?
BVD : Hm , probably
Jerry : Is that the same guy , who told you Franklin Police never had a Commander Barnes or Tim Taylor was never the Lt. in CID
BVD : Hm , probably
Jerry : Is that the guy who saw a UFO hovering over the square
BVD : Hm , ya know what ? Yeah , yep , this is him
Jerry : Ha ha ha , what a maroon !
BVD : I think he wants you to give him some of your bandwidth
Jerry : Well , only when he gives me real information. This blog is not for him
BVD : You'd think people like him would get their own blog
Jerry : Yeah , but for people like him , a blog costs too much. Besides , Franklin Police monitor this blog. If I said something wrong , they would step in and they have'nt
BVD : Meaning ?
Jerry : They don't want any more of their filthy laundry going out to the public and they know that would happen if they made something out of my posts. Besides , they don't know what else I know. Heh heh heh
BVD : I was wondering , the way this guy has spelled some words. Do you think he is smoking some of that weed they confiscated ?
Jerry : Well , you know some of those officers , what do you think ? Hm , maybe that one did'nt get past the 2nd grade. He has a problem , that's for sure.
BVD : Yup
Jerry : HEY ! BVD ! IS THAT A UFO ?
Jerry : Outside that window. LOOK ! ! ! There's ALLLLLL kinds of pretty colorful lights out there
BVD : Damn it all to Hell , Jerry , you still have'nt taken down the Christmas lights yet
Jerry : Ha ha ha Hee hee hee hee
BVD : Hhhhhmmmmmm. Ooookaaaaay. Okay. Hey , ya think Jay Johnson got a new job yet ?
Jerry : I'm not sure , I heard there was a JJ sighting at the Cool Springs Mall the other day
BVD : What ?
Jerry : Yeah , he was sweeping the floors and telling security how to do their jobs.
BVD : Ohhhh , plplpllllleeease

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