Friday, April 18, 2008


Tennessee's Nursing Homes

I wrote this - I did some home work , after The Tennessean put out a piece about nursing homes wanting to limit the number of lawsuits against them.
OK , here's the skinny - this is doable. I'll point to Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt Medical Center ass an example.
The problem is , nursing homes cannot hire enough " caring people " , this causes problems with the interned , because these people WILL NOT give a damn about their work or the interned. Thus , the nursing home gets sued and it's justified. If I were in a nursing home , I would expect to receive decent care. People working in these places , have not thought about their own selves being in these beds and so , here we go to court.
Can nursing homes stop the number of lawsuits ? Yep , they sure can. Will it be legal ? Constitutionally speaking , nope , butt , it is doable.
Let's go to Vanderbilt. This is a billion dollar monster , that is a profit making entity with tax exempt status. They get sued all the time because they do things they know , should'nt be done. So , their trick is to take away a person's rights to sue them. Yep , just like that , Vanderbilt dodges the bullet. I have found , that all you need , is to be in the billion dollar club. It's like this , when you have a billion dollars in your piggy bank , there is loose change lying around on the floor , to buy the law with. This is America. Judges , lawyers and the justice system ass a whole , are for sale. Vanderbilt has countless legal eagles in it's hip pocket and no , Vanderbilt does not miss this loose change. Hell , Vanderbilt has millions lying around , that it does'nt know what to do with. Must be nice , having piles of money , lying around on the floor , making people walk around it , to get to where they are going.
Now , about the nursing homes dilemma - they are not a billion dollar monster. However , what they can do , is join into a partner ship with each other , all across the state. In doing so , Tennessee's nursing homes will become a billion dollar monster , complete with loose change lying around , to buy out , a person's rights to sue them. And no , this money does not go to the person suing. It goes to the legal eagles , who takes care of such business.
And that folks , is how that gets done.

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