Friday, April 04, 2008
Vanderbilt's Crime Watch
Vanderbilt University - The Tennessean , had an article about campus crime across this state and Vanderbilt , was the leading offender. Let me introduce to my readers , Ray Abernathy. He has cameras everywhere. Abernathy also has people working for him , whom I will refer to ass nomes.
All over the vanderbilt campus , including the hospital , you can find Abernathy's cameras. That is , if you know what to look for. You see , he uses those little innocent looking things , called spy cameras. Any ole nook and cranny are a place to set these things , and they can see everything that goes on.
Here's an example - A couple of years ago , there was a problem in the Vanderbilt ER. Stuff was missing and no one knew anything. In comes Abernathy and his spy cameras. A couple of weeks later , yep , they got him. A person , who was very well liked , was the thief. One day , while he was getting ready to leave , he got called to the carpet. His backpack was way over loaded. And nope , the weight did not belong to him.
Meanwhile , Abernathy's cameras are in places , where Vanderbilt employees , go to have some afternoon delight. Oh yeah , baby. He's got all kinds of skin flicks. You would be surprised , at the number of people , fucking on Vanderbilt's dime , filmed live , right on campus.
Oh yeah , about those nomes of his. They stay constantly busy. Putting cameras here and over there. Hell , they're everywhere. Including places , no one said anything about. Like dorm rooms for example. You see , there are some crimes that have taken place and there is no report. Co-eds have been accosted in their rooms and there are no reports. These little nomes have a way to get away with everything. So far.
You would be surprised , at some of the areas , those cameras can be found. And , you would be surprised at the crimes being committed and no one knows anything. Heh heh heh.
Abernathy has been so successful , Vanderbilt uses him to go off campus and gather intel. For example , lets say you have a lawsuit against Vanderbilt. Abernathy goes into your house with his cameras and leaves them for a while. During this time , your things get stolen , door locks are mysteriously broken and the police are of no help. Of course this is against the law. Butt , what are you gonna do about it ? Remember , Vanderbilt teaches law , Vanderbilt owns an army of legal eagles and Vanderbilt has deeper pockets than you. And , since Vanderbilt owns Tennessee's 5th largest police department , the local police will help them commit the crime. And that stuff they steal ? That gets shared with the local police and yes , the police know it's stolen property while they laugh about it.
I have no idea how many co-eds have been assaulted by the nomes , I just know it has happened more than once. Those little cameras operate 24 hours a day. Which means , the nomes know , when your home alone.
OK. Who in the Hell is Ray Abernathy ? Back around 1979 , Ray was a two bit loser , doing body work in his garage , in his yard and even out in the street. He would sell people on his 500 dollar paint job , that he will do for you , for just 299 dollars. Of course , since he is your friend , he will give you a break and do the work for 99 dollars.
One day , the state came a callin and took everything he owned , because he was operating a business without a license and for tax evasion. In the meantime , his wife was divorcing him for sexually assaulting his own little girl.
So , how did Abernathy become a private dick ? He paid 300 dollars , to get in on the ground floor , of a business to conduct undercover work , watching spouses fuck around , behind each other's back. This led to his becoming good friends with Metro Police. In time , Abernathy has made friends with various law enforcement agencies , doing covert work , using his little camera friends. Yep , you'll know if you've met Abernathy. He's that skinny little guy , with a terrible temper. And nope , over the years , therapy , has'nt helped him.
Although Abernathy is not a police officer , he has plenty of police friends and so , he feels he is a police officer and often acts like it.
He is constantly playing with his cameras. Experimenting with new ways to hide them. And , you would think , Vanderbilt would be an excellent environment , to do this , butt , would'nt you know it , ole' Ray has a manager friend , at a hotel. Yep , you guessed it. Ray Abernathy has been secretly filming people in their hotel rooms and I'll also let you guess what is on the films.