Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Ticker on Ebay
Okay, for starters, I think ebay has made stupid mistakes and their pride has gotten in the way of fixing them. Very little that they do will surprise me.
But as far as this post?????
Come on everyone. I know I am skeptical by nature – that is just the auditor in me. When you have seen as much as I have, you tend to assume the worst.
Okay, let’s see about the content:
1) Ebay gave 4 months notice to implement the changes in feedback. Yet by August (say in 2 months) they are going to revamp the whole entire system from feedback, to shipping, to templates, etc.
2) If their whole goal was to lower the stock price, then why are they trying so desperately to get business right now before the second quarter ends??? Why do they try so hard to manipulate the numbers to make it look like they are doing better than they are? Weren’t we all accusing them of padding? Haven’t we all seen the suspicious listings? The stock prices would fall if they would stop advertising all these specials and stop getting people to list as much as possible. That’s so simple a child can understand!
3) I know everybody thinks ebay is the big bad giant, but even they do not have the power to make rules for FedEx and UPS. And I don’t know where he is writing from, but in America, there are a LOT more rules and rights that the whole thing is ridiculous!
4) YOU CANNOT CHARGE COMMISSION ON SALES TAX!!!! Come on!!!! This isn’t ebay being bold; this is just someone trying to get a rise out of people. If the CEO and board members will own the company by this point, why would they do things to risk losing the shirts off their backs once they own ebay? The logic isn’t there.
5) Sellers can opt out of returns & DSR’s but not out of template structures??? They can opt out of DSR’s, one of management’s favorite things???
Okay, as for the person who originally posted the comment on the other site, a couple of quotes followed by comments:
1) “I posted this at the feedback forum at eBay but it was killed by staff less than a minute later. I should have known. My ID will be toast soon anyway. Their goal will be to discredit me. I will be accused of being "disgruntled", "paranoid", and "emotional" seller.” - Okay, he is on the ebay forum and is worried about his ebay ID and mentions being a seller. Nothing here about being an insider and being found out by his boss or being a disgruntled employee.
2) “However, to protect my own identity within the corporation, I cannot be too specific lest the details single me out to the powers that be. What I intend to reveal is common knowledge to many in the management division behind the scenes. “ – Okay, wants to protect his identity. He already said his ID would be toast, so it is not as a seller that he is worried. So this is where we get the management division implication. Now being as paranoid as he is, would he really post on EBAY’s feedback forum, knowing full well that they track ISP addresses? And they know whose ID is whose?????
3) “What has been done to this community, the plots and schemes hatched in meetings and across memos, is far, far worse to endure within my soul than any treatment I will receive at the hands of the tools by posting this.” – Okay, so far worse to endure within his soul that he is acting like he is writing from within ebay, still as “one of them” – “the powers that be”.
4) “You do not know how much they hate you.” – Okay, ebay doesn’t hate us folks. They don’t care about us, they don’t lose sleep over us, they could not care less about us. We are gnats to them. We may or may not hate them (although I don’t like the word hate in general – I save that for very, very few things in life), most of us hope to see them go out of business definitely. Ebay has no emotion over this as far as we are concerned!
5) “It is my conscience that I want to clear going forward.” “Believe me, I understand your concern for wanting to verify my credentials. I can't reveal more, either publicly or privately, without risking my identity.” - Again, wants to clear the conscience, but the identity is such an issue.
So is he ebay management or ebay seller, is it his Ebay ID or his identity he is worried about?
This post was overall an absolute joke that was also submitted on Power Sellers Unite's webiste.
This guy just need to get a real job!
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