Friday, June 27, 2008


Why GAS Prices Are Climbing

Franklin , Tennessee - I was having a hard time understanding these high pump prices and how they were affecting the stock market. BVD stepped up to explain -

BVD : Jerry , you've got to understand what's going on , before you can understand the effects of today's gas prices.
Jerry : OK then , explain. Why are the oil companies doing this to us ?
BVD : They are'nt doing this to us. OK ? Look , there is " No " oil shortage
Jerry : Hmmm , what ? I don't understand. Hey , now I know , it's those speculators.
BVD : I know you don't understand or even know anything at all , so shut up and listen.
Jerry : Hm. Okay.
BVD : You have to understand , America is 12 Trillion dollars in debt.
Jerry : Hm. , Okaaay
BVD : Okaaaaaaaaay then. You've got to understand , that dollar bill in your wallet , is worth 12 Trillion dollars of debt and not a penny more.
Jerry : Butt , butt , this is a whole dollar , I mean ,
BVD : Jerry , shut up , will ya ? The top of that dollar says it's a Federal Reserve Note. OK ? It does'nt say nothing more. Now then , moving onward. That dollar bill represents the solvency of America's government. So , having a 12 Trillion dollar debt , how solvent is that dollar bill ?
Jerry : Hmmmm , well , I can't imagine 12 Trillion dollars , so , I guess I don't know.
BVD : That's a good answer.
Jerry : So , it's the speculators , right ?
BVD : Nope. Look Jerry , America has a 12 Trillion dollar debt , right ?
Jerry : Right.
BVD : OK , now imagine , paying the mortgage on that 12 Trillion dollars
Jerry : Hmm , I can't imagine that high
BVD : Hah ha ha ha ha , I'm sure. Anyway , imagine paying , just the interest , on that 12 Trillion dollars , OK , just the interest alone
Jerry : Hm , ha ha ha , I can't do that either. So , what are you saying ?
BVD : Speculators are not speculating on oil. They are speculating , that America can not pay the interest on that 12 Trillion dollar debt. Okay ? In other words , speculators are betting their money , that America CANNOT make that intere$t payment for the month
Jerry : Soooo , speculators are using money , that is backed by 12 Trillion dollars of debt , to gamble , that America won't make it's monthly payment
BVD : Nope. No. Speculators are not the ones in debt. AND , these speculators are typically non-American
Jerry : Hmmm , whaaat ?
BVD : Yep.
Jerry : If that's so , why are oil prices going up around the world ?
BVD : Because other countries are tied to our economic base , which means , they are tied to our 12 Trillion dollar debt. OK ? The more America's debt climbs , the higher that 12 Trillion dollar debt marker climbs , which means the amount of intere$t owed climbs also , which makes the gas prices climb , which in turn , makes everything in our lives , co$t that much more
Jerry : Soooooooooooo , what do we do ?
BVD : Get out of America , before the melt down occurs
Jerry : Okaaaaay , where do you suggest I go ?
BVD : No response

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