Monday, July 21, 2008


Yes , Ebay Does Do That

I finally caved in , under pressure and put up an Ebay store. Many times over , people have stated , their listings were not showing , despite the fact , they had listed that item. I said back to them , " Uh huh. Yeah , right. You're telling me , Ebay is charging for your listings and they don't appear , on Ebay. I think maybe you are in the Twilight Zone. "

Well , after I had listed 8 items in my brand new , shiny , elegant and complicated Ebay-maze-o-matic store. I searched around the block , for my items. I could'nt find them. I mean , it was like I had never listed any of those items. I mean , Ebay is charging me , yeah me , for those listings and they are not to be found , any where. Well , they could'nt be found on Eaby , is what I'm saying. Sooo , I started to wonder , if Tim " I am the Lawman " Taylor , had anything to do with this.

Talking with an Ebay representative , they told me , they would investigate immediately. Hmm , they were so quick to say that , I began to wonder if I had dialed Franklin Police , by mistake.

So , if you have money and don't know what to do with it. Just go over to Ebay and pay them for your listings that no one can see. Well , why not ? What are you waiting for ? Christmas ?

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