Friday, August 08, 2008


After The Election

Franklin , Tennessee - BVD was finished tallying the votes , when he spotted Tim " The Taylor Made Sheriff For Sheriff " in the parking lot , breaking up pencils , into tiny little pieces.

BVD : Tim , Hey Tim Taylor ! Hey man , what's wrong ?
Tim Taylor : I'm not going to be the Sheriff
BVD : No , you are not. ( a low snicker , trying to hide his smile ) Well Tim , the good news is , we both know , that you have 112 family and friends , who thought enough of you , to go out of their way to vote for you.
Tim : Uh ? What ? I want a recount. They said I got 336 votes !
BVD : You did get 336 votes. Butt , I happen to know , that police officers , teach their own family members , the tricks of criminals. Your 112 people actually have 3 I.D.'s apiece. That gave you your 336 votes. Because you lost , I'm not saying anything.
Tim : Yeah ? Well , OK then.
BVD : What's wrong Tim ? Somethings bothering you.
Tim : Well , it's just that I was expecting Jay Johnson to vote for me also.
BVD : Tim , Jay Johnson is no more around here. He got fired. Remember ? He is H-I-S-T-O-R-Y
Tim : Oh yeah , that's right. Oh man. Damn ! He was good for another 100 votes too.

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