Wednesday, October 08, 2008


An Interview with President Bush

The White House - BVD News Bloggtographer , BVD some how got inside the The White House for a 1 on 1 with GW , in The Oval Office

BVD : Thank you Mr. President for seeing me

President Bush : Glad to have you. I've enjoyed reading your syndicated column

BVD : How's your surge going ?

Bush : Well , heh heh heh , it's surging right along , I've got those terrorists on the run , heh heh heh

BVD : What are your thoughts about your oath of office

Bush : Well , it's just a bunch of words to me

BVD : What are your thoughts about The Constitution

Bush : It's great toilet paper

BVD : Hm , I see , well , no , I don't want to see it , I mean , what are your plans for Iraq

Bush : I want that country to govern itself , like America does

BVD : Well , it looks to me , that you have been doing the governing around here , not the American people

Bush : The American people , HA , what's that ? There are so many people around here , from so many other countries , no one knows what an American looks like any more

BVD : Is that your excuse for not looking after the people who voted for you

Bush : I think I've done a pretty good job , looking after the people who have contributed to my political success

BVD : Yes you certainly have. Butt , you've done it , at the expense of the little people

Bush : Hey , you listen up now , those little people had every opportunity to be just like the big people , butt , they refused to contribute to my political money pile

BVD : I see. Well , what are you doing with all of that money you have embezelled

Bush : I'm not going to tell you , I'm not going to tell you , heh heh heh

BVD : Well , perhaps you can tell me , why banks foreclose on people , and then sells their house for a thousand dollars.

Bush : That's the way the system works.

BVD : So , the system Americans have in place , is designed to make poor people poorer while making the rich richer ?

Bush : Exactly

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