Friday, October 10, 2008


Is Your Money Safe ?

Now that the market has taken the down slide , are'nt you glad you were in the stock market to begin with ? The only things that have changed since the first melt down , is that the little people have rules , while the biggie boys have none.

The slide with AIG came from people playing the stocks without any money in hand , and yet , they made several trades in ONE DAY , going against AIG. People like you and me can not do this because WE have rules. You know , we can't move any money until the end of the business day , rules like that keep US out of any BIG play , that would make US more money.

Ass the world now learns it's lesson , for being attached to America's debt , NOW they realize the meaning of 12 TRILLION dollars.

Remember what President Bush said , " Why have one war , when you can have 2 , twice the price. " AND , since Bush had an early warning about the stock market , he was able to pull his money out , before the melt down. The biggie boys DO look out for each other.

Okay , Okay , Okay , where can I put my money , what's left of it that is , where it will be safe ? Place it in a money fund. The interest is stupid , butt , it's better than losing it.

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