Thursday, October 09, 2008
Why Is It ?
Jerry : What do you mean ?
BVD : I mean , the people making 10 dollars an hour , who control money market funds , while CEOs making MILLIONS , control oil companies. Those little people make less , butt , are more honest and trust worthy , than the big boys. That's what I mean.
Jerry : Hmmm , I don't know.
BVD : Look at President Bush , he has proved , he is the least honorable person , to trust with running a country and look at the money he has pocketed/embezzled. How many times has Bush gone to Congress begging for more BILLIONS , because he ran out of money to spend , or when was the last time you heard Bush tell the truth ?
Jerry : Hmm , yeah , I see what you're saying. Look at the people being trusted with your 401 plan. You don't hear anything about them getting manicures or having golden parachutes. Butt , their boss is a different matter