Saturday, October 11, 2008
You Got Problems ? Congress Has The Answers
Remember when you signed up for the 401K plan ? It looked even better when your empl0yer was adding to your pie , did'nt it ? Did you read the fine print ? Of course not. A magnifier is needed to read that after you found it.
So , why are you now broke , when you had 10,000 dollars in your 401K ? The answer is simple. Remember President Bush's 12 TRILLION dollar debt ? Yep , your 401K was collateral , for his loan. Someone called in their markers and YOU got stuck with the bill.
How can this be , you ask ? You did'nt give him permission to do this , you say. Well , yes you did when you voted for him and you signed the bottom line on your 401K.
Is'nt it interesting , how Bush and his Congress are investigating other people and not themselves. Is'nt it interesting , that now , they have answers to the problem.
When you get down to the bottom of the barrel , you find only one person responsible for this mess. Go look in the mirror and you will see them. We all had the chance to impeach Bush and we did'nt do it and just look at the mess WE 've made.
Stop blaming AIG and the other CEOs. They've been acting UN patriotic for years. They 've been so very busy tearing down big companies , firing Americans so the jobs can go over seas , having corporate garage sales and pocketing the money , giving themselves pay raises while ignoring the employees.
Americans need to come together and become UNITED once more and kick some butts.