Wednesday, December 24, 2008


People's View of Franklin Police

While aimlessly wandering the net , BVD found a Franklin Police forum. Without changing the words or making things up , here's a few remarks from police admirers

From TFA: "Officers will leave "crime prevention cards" on the cars they feel are targets for theft."

Sounds like an invitation to me.

"No Radio" writ on a card
Once served as a practical guard
To stopping a theft.
Now THESE cards are left?
It used to be stealing was HARD.
Police have seen a 15 percent increase in the number of auto burglaries this holiday season.

No shiat? Lets do some math here. With more police patrolling the streets , more crimes are reported. Yep , the math proves it

Now do you feel safer knowing the police are looking at your stuff during Christmas ?

Headline fail + old news = YOU SUCK!

*points and laughs*

I live in Nashville, right next to Franklin. I, for one, find this utterly stupid. Don't they have better things to do than to snoop around in the windows of people's cars?

Now now now , how else do you think Franklin Police would provide Christmas for their families

Poppa Boner: Headline fail + old news = YOU SUCK!

*points and laughs*

Pretty decent headline + not old news, relevant = YOU suck + FAIL = hilarious.

I read a license plate once , that said " I'd rather be shop lifting at Cool Springs "

If I found one of those crime prevention cards on my car, I'd burglarize my own car then sue the police for their part in intentionally making my car a target for crime.

Don't they have better things to do than to snoop around in the windows of people's cars?

I live in Franklin, and that's the way it is. Public servants are expected to serve the public - in whatever way Williamson County sees fit. I think it's a nice (maybe misguided) gesture though. I love living in Franklin, and honestly? No. There's not much else to do.

So , you are saying crime is the favorite past time in Franklin ?

What's next? They look in your home's windows to be absolutely sure that there isn't anything of value left while you're away that might get stolen?

You're brother-in-laws father was 11-years-old? Damn. You MUST be from Tennessee!!!

So , do the criminals split the profits right down the middle ?

I don't know , why don't you ask them ?

Slightly off topic, but this is the only thing that came to mind for me to talk about

Pillsbury: [Motown is hot-wiring a car] Yellow to red!
Motown: What the fark does a Samoan know about hot-wiring a farking car?
Pillsbury: 50,000 cars stolen in Samoa every year.
Motown: Well, a million in Detroit.
Pillsbury: Detroit has 50 million cars. Samoa, 50,000. Every one stolen.

I'm sure the police are enjoying the L & N train set that Franklin Police Detective Black knows what I'm referring to

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