Monday, January 05, 2009
Franklin Police Really Do Think Like Thieves
The homeowner found out and called the police. At the moment , the kids were not there , butt , their belongings were. A sample of items present was a vehicle title , credit card , prescription drugs , paper roller , various clothing , suit cases and a really nice looking camera.
This camera has lots of buttons and a large LCD screen. It looks like one of those 600+ dollar cameras. It was reeeeeeeally nice. The police officer smilingly made the remark , " Keep what ever you find. Their stuff does not belong here. "
I'll shorten this story. It's interesting the police kept the card and drugs. " It's for safe keeping. " an officer said. " They can come on down to headquarters and claim their things. " ( this is an old police trick. The person shows up to claim their property and they get arrested at the same time. This tactic saves the police a lot of hassle tracking down the right " wanted " person )
Hmmmm , where's the camera ? It's interesting to note that suddenly , Franklin Police did not know anything about a camera. I know about the camera because I saw it. You would think the police would especially want to keep that item safe from thievery , right along with the other items , I mean , after all , doesn't a police officer's responsibilities include safe guarding personal property ? Hmmmmmmmmm , and yet , it looks like the police may have 5 fingered a camera.
Meanwhile , the police got statements from a Bob Parks real estate consultant. Some of the remarks were lies , butt , the police ate 'em up any way. ( it's interesting this consultant had earlier stated , that it was illegal for him to be there , under the circumstances , so , why is he there AND talking to the police ? )
I'll wrap this up - just because these kids did something really stupid , does not mean , it's OK to steal their stuff and just because these kids showed a horrible lack of respect and common sense , does not mean it's OK to tell lies about what they had done.
Oh yeah , for those who think I'm making this story up , here's the case number. 2009000015 Also , keep in mind , this is the kind of stuff , you won't find Mitchel Kline writing about , in your local news paper.
This incident is a good example of what's gone wrong with this country. It's not a wonder to me , why GOD no longer blesses America.