Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Stopping The Economic Meltdown

BVD and Jerry were talking about America's economy and her future. You know , they are just doin what everyone else does , in times like these. BVD almost fell out of his chair upon realizing Jerry knew how to stop the meltdown

BVD : How's that again ? I mean , you know where President Obama can get all the money he needs and like , now , as in , right NOW ?
Jerry : Yep
BVD : I don't get you man. Where's all of this money ? Where did it come from
Jerry : Let's understand something first. If Obama prints another Trillion dollar bills , America's monetary value declines that much more , which is a really bad thing under the present circumstances. O Kay ? You with me so far
BVD : Yeah , go on please
Jerry : Well , I've gone over the things President Bush has done , before leaving his White House and guess what I found ?
BVD : An illegal moonshine still in the White House bomb shelter ?
Jerry : Nope. Better'n that :)
BVD : Maaaaaan , there ain't tooo many things better'n a whiskey still in a bomb shelter these days :)
Jerry : Yeah , I know , butt , this is better. Look , Bush has dipped into Obama's first year's budget. Check out these figures. ( Jerry shows BVD some budget stats , his eyes grow wider than their sockets )
BVD : Jerry , maaaaaaaan , is this real , I mean , for really real ?
Jerry : Yes , for really really real , man.
BVD : You're telling me , that even tho Bush is out of his White House , he's still spending my money ?
Jerry : Yep , for the next year , he sho nuff is
BVD : Soooooooo , how does President Obama get his hands on it ?
Jerry : Simple. He exerts the " Executive Privilege " powers , of the office , of The President of The United States
BVD : Soooo , in other words , this money is already printed and won't effect things the way they presently are ?
Jerry : Something like that , yes
BVD : Jerry , you are " The Man ". Damn , why didn't I think of that ? I mean , Hell , why didn't President Obama think of doin this ?
Jerry : The answer is simple. Everyone is thinking inside the box. Man , we've got to get outside of that damn box and stay outside of that damn box. That's the only way , this country is going be saved

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